Welcome to ICONIX

Iconix is a Kolkata based fastest growing digital marketing and brand promotion company. We are working on a various sphere of Digital Marketing. In one word Digital Marketing means, any form of marketing that exists online. We have already worked with a bunch of prestigious organization in Kolkata and all over India. Today I like to focus on Social Media Marketing (SMM). Social media marketing is one of the important and popular part of Digital marketing. 

The concept of advertisement is changing rapidly. Famous brands are moving on digital marketing. There is lots of reason behind this change. Digital advertisement spends will touch almost 19,000 crores in three years which is almost the same as the size of the print ad  industry today. It is expected to grow at 3X of  industry average over this time to touch almost a quarter of ad spends. Of this, mobile is expected to take 60% of the share. Interestingly, there is another fact,  Google and Facebook continue to take the majority share of these spends, by some estimates, 80-85%.

So, undoubtedly Digital Marketing is going to essential for every business owner. Actually, not only for a business firm, If you have a start-up company, maybe you are an artist, a politician everyone needs a social presence.

On another point, Social media marketing is much cheaper than any other mode of advertisement. If you go through previous statistics, you can realize no media can give you this much reach like social media.

We, at Iconix, do Social media marketing very innovatively. We believe only through a creative content anyone can create a huge sensation at any time!

We will back soon on another topic about Digital Marketing and new work of Iconix.

Be with us!

